Bye, bye Loki

Loki is now all safely packed up in Gocek, Turkey and it is time for us to head home. This is the view she will enjoy over the next seven months. We’ve had a fabulous trip and have thoroughly enjoyed our travels, but we are also really looking forward to getting home. We will spend the weekend in London, before stopping overnight in Singapore en route to Melbourne. Looking forward to all the catch-ups and hearing your news with great anticipation!


2 thoughts on “Bye, bye Loki

  1. Hi Katie and Fitzi,
    Sounds like you have had another journey of a lifetime! Have thoroughly enjoyed your colourful descriptions. Had many laughs. What fabulous adventures for your both – learning about people, places and lots of history. Very jealous! Safe trip back to old Melb town. Mark and I look forward to catching up with you soon. Toni x

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